Research on Several Issues in Loan Pricing of Commercial Banks
自从1992 年以来,我国国有商业银行为了防范日益严重的信用风险,开始实施资产负债比例管理和贷款风险管理,这对于控制银行的信用风险卓有成效,取得了显著的成绩。但我们知道,对于商业银行而言,安全性、赢利性和流动性是同等重要的,仅仅保证安全性而无法兼顾赢利性和流动性并不是成功的经营之道。因而,建立以贷款风险管理为核心的贷款风险管理系统解决了贷款安全性问题,但没有解决贷款的赢利性和流动性问题。商业银行筹集存款资金以及其他各种资金的目标是在保证贷款本金安全的前提下实现利润最大化。所以,在银行的贷款运作过程中,不能仅仅满足于消极地通过保证贷款的安全性,而是要在保证贷款本金安全的基础上,最大可能地提高盈利能力。为了实现这一目标,就要建立以贷款定价为核心的贷款经营管理体制。如何对不同的客户制定贷款利率是一门艺术,它取决于本国货币当局的相关政策(例如基准利率的规定等)、国际银行业的监管条例(例如,巴塞尔新资本协议)、市场的资金供求状况、其他竞争银行的定价策略、银行同客户的相对地位、企业的财务状况和行业的发展前景,等等。
Since 1992, in order to defend the increasing credit risk, Chinese state-owned-banks have implemented asset and liability ratio management and loan risk management, which is effective in the control of bank’s credit risk. However, as to commercial banks, safety, profitability and liquidity are of same importance. It is not successful management that only safety is fulfilled, while profitability and liquidity are abandoned. Therefore, the establishment of loan risk management system surrounding loan risk management only settled loan safety issue, but not profitability and liquidity. As we know, the purpose of bank’s raising deposits and other funds is to maximize profit under the circumstance of principal safety. From this aspect, commercial banks are not supposed to satisfy with principal safety, but to enhance ability of making profit on the foundation of loan principal safety. To complete this target, commercial banks should build a loan management system, whose core is loan pricing. It is an art to pricing different customers’ loan, which depends on mother country’s monetary authority’s relative policies, such as primary interest rate, international banking’s regulations, such as Basel New Capital Accord, the supply and demand of market funds, other bank’s pricing strategy, company’s financial status and industry perspective, bargaining ability of bank and company, etc.
Followed by the deepening of Chinese interest rate liberalization, and the last date of opening domestic is around the corner, Chinese commercial banks are going to facing increasing domestic competition and international competition. Nowadays, to some extend, Chinese state-owned commercial banks, limited commercial banks, and city commercial banks have had loan pricing right, to some extend, on the foundation of primary interest rates settled by People’s Bank of China. The up-floating limit of loan pricing is abrogated, while the down-floating is 10% as maximum. In essence, the aim of setting this pricing principle by central bank is to protect domestic commercial banks, avoid price war of banks for market share, and prepare for the entry of foreign banks. With the ongoing policies and market condition, how can Chinese commercial banks price loan effectively? This paper is aimed at answering this question.
There exist many factors influencing loan pricing, through researching on the studies in foreign countries, the author found that the following factors will cast effect on loan pricing: firstly, money market rate. The change of money market rate shows that of the financial institute’s marginal cost, including banks, hence, the moving of money market rate may drive banks to change loan rate. Secondly, loan contract factors. The loan contract factors include loan amount, maturity, security, and guarantee, etc. The former studies held the idea that there are no relationships between loan rate and these factors, while recent researches began to point out their effects on loan pricing. Last, but not least, the company’s financial condition. The company’s financial index can reflect its performance and credit risk level, hence, it is beneficial to study company’s financial index. Of course, in addition to these factors, there are several other determinants of loan pricing, such as the degree of property right protection of one country, the quality of information disclosed by listed company, and the spatial distance between bank and company, and other competitive banks.
As to the context arrangement, this paper will carry out research around the three determinants of loan pricing. The arrangement of this paper is as followed:
Chapter One, Introduction. In this part, the research object, method, the shortcomings of relative studies in and out of China, this paper’s innovations are introduced.
Chapter Two, Loan rate stickiness and Analysis based on Chinese data. The stickiness nature of loan rate is derived from the relationship between loan rate and money market rate. This chapter expatiates the stickiness characteristics and its status quo of loan rate in foreign countries, followed by the summary and comment on several theories that explain the reason why loan rates display stickiness. In the last part of this chapter, the author casts empirical test to show whether there exists loan rate stickiness in Chinese, based on 1-year loan rate of listed companies and repo rate (R007) of money market rate. The result is that, there does not exist loan rate stickiness in Chinese loan market.
Chapter Three, Credit risk and loan pricing. This chapter draws summary and review of the credit risk pricing models in foreign countries, with explanations to the internal and external reasons of the rapid development of credit risk model. Then, analysis is developed to compare the real one and mimic one with credit rating migration emphasized by credit risk pricing migration, followed by the issues that are supposed to be paid attention to.
Chapter Four, the influences of Basel New Capital Accord’s internal rating based approach (IRB) on loan pricing. This chapter begins with IRB to analyze and discuss the connotation and extension of IRB’s probability of default (PD) and loss given default (LGD). With a general equilibrium model, this chapter develops a loan pricing equation, in which the independent variables include PD, LGD, and other relative variables. This pricing equation does have guiding function for Chinese commercial banks to price loans in the regulation of Basel New Capital Accord.
Chapter Five, Research on the status quo of Chinese commercial banks’ loan pricing. This chapter takes the data from annual reports of companies listed in Shanghai Security Exchange to test empirically the relationship between loan rate and loan contract factors and company’s financial index from year 2002 to 2004. Through empirical test, the author finds that, either loan contract factors, or company’s financial index have prominent effects on loan pricing, which offer useful references to the researches on the loan pricing mode of Chinese commercial banks.
Chapter Six, Loan pricing research based on financial crisis forecasting model. This chapter firstly demonstrates that there exist monotonous relationship between loan rate and Z or p of logit model, which are used broadly in financial realm to forecast financial crisis, then several loan pricing models are developed with Z or p as independent variable and loan rate as variable, followed by the loan pricing model estimation of banks of different risk preference, using the real loan data and other relative variables’ information. Finally, comparison between real loan pricing and calculated ones drawed by the models developed in the former part of this chapter is built.
第一章 导论
第二章 贷款利率的粘性及我国的数据分析
第一节 贷款利率的粘性
第二节 贷款利率粘性的理论基础
第三节 我国贷款利率粘性是否存在
第三章 信用风险与贷款定价
第一节 信用风险定价模型的演进
第二节 信用VaR模型
第三节 信用风险模型演进的动因
第四节 信用风险模型对贷款定价的启示
第五节 将债券定价模型运用到贷款定价需要注意的问题
第四章 巴塞尔新资本协议内部评级法对贷款定价的影响
第一节 新巴塞尔资本协议内部评级法概述
第二节 违约概率和违约损失率综述
第三节 基于违约概率和违约损失率的贷款定价分析
第五章 中国商业银行贷款定价现状研究
第一节 基于贷款合约要素的贷款定价分析
第二节 基于企业财务指标的贷款定价分析
第六章 基于财务危机预警模型的贷款定价研究
第一节 财务危机预警指标同贷款定价的关系分析
第二节 基于Z值的贷款定价方程推导与分析
第三节 基于logit模型p值的贷款定价方程推导与分析
第四节 小结及未来的研究方向
Chapter One Introduction
Chapter Two Loan Rate Stickiness and Analysis on
Section One Loan Rate Stickiness
Section Two Theoretical Foundation of Loan Rate Stickiness
Section Three Is There Loan Rate Stickiness in
Chaper Three Credit Risk and Loan Pricing
Section One the Evolution of Credit Risk Pricing Models
Section Two Credit VaR Models
Section Three the Seduction of the Evolution of Credit Risk Pricing Models
Section Four the Apocalypse of Credit Risk Models on Loan Pricing
Section Five Issues When Using Bond Pricing Models on Loan Pricing
Chapter Four Effects of New Basel Capital Accord’s IRB on Loan Pricing
Section One Introduction of New Basel Capital Accord’s IRB
Section Two Introduction of PD and LGD
Section Three Loan Pricing Analysis Based on PD and LGD
Chapter Five the Status Quo of China Commercial Banks’ Loan Pricing
Section One Loan Pricing Analysis Based on Loan Contract Factors
Section Two Loan Pricing Analysis Based on Company’s Financial Index
Chapter Six Loan Pricing Analysis Based on Financial Crisis Forcasting Models
Section One the Relationship between Loan Pricing and Financial Crisis Forcasting Index
Section Two Deduction and Analysis of Loan Pricing Model Based on Z-Score Model
Section Three Deduction and Analysis of Loan Pricing Model Based on p-Score Model
Section Foure Summary and Future Research
Appendix One Merton(1974): First Generation Structure Model
Appendix Two Longstaff and Schwartz(1995b): Second Generation Structure Model
Appendix Three Jarrow and Turnbull(1995): Reduced-Form Model
Appendix Four Frye(2000c): Single Factor Model
Appendix Five Deduction of the Link Between RR and PD Based on Merton Model